
Meetings, grants...

If you would like to spend some time with fellow dancers in transition or who have already transitionned, to share ideas and concerns, please do not hesitate to contact as we are tailoring events to suit your needs!

Workshop: To continue, but how?

Sat. Nov. 23, 2024, 10am - 4pm
Location: Atelier 5, 3rd floor of the Maison des Arts du Grütli, rue Général-Dufour 16, 1204 GenèveGenève

At the instigation of Caroline De Cornière, dancer and choreographer from Geneva, Danse Transition is pleased to collaborate with her on a one-day workshop around the question of "how to dance as we age, and how to grow old dancing?"

The workshop is aimed at professional dancers who wish to explore the movement possibilities of a body that is aging, injured or going through a period of renunciation.
How can we envisage the transition from "virtuoso" dance to dance that performs with the experience of a body that carries a history, that becomes gesture and meaning?

In the course of this day, each person will be invited to develop self-knowledge, to question his or her experience of the aging of the body, or the consequences of injury or childbirth. The aim is to reflect on the career of a professional dancer in a new way, so as to continue to practice one's craft within one's own constraints, without having to abandon it.
The group will reflect on dance as an art form that can deal with motherhood, aging and injury, as a space for creativity and added value. Then, it will be guided to go in search of a new way of looking at movement, while respecting its limits and needs.


Danse Transition members: CHF 20.00
Non-members of Danse Transition: CHF 50.00
To become a member, click here

Registration required by e-mail to contact@danse-transition.ch, by November 9.

Career Transition Grants

Next deadline:  February 18,  2025