Professional development support

Professional development support

It is an approach aimed at deepening the knowledge acquired by the dancer over the course of their professional and personal life, preparing for entrance exams at a school, improving proficiency in a language related to the chosen transition training, or taking an introductory course in a profession to ensure they choose the right path.

This service can be offered by Danse Transition following an individual counselling session if the dancer's situation justifies it.

This support, up to a maximum amount of CHF 1'000, can be covered by Danse Transition and is granted as part of the dancers' assistance program, depending on the financial capacity of the association.

Submit a request 

Any support granted places responsibility on the dancer, who is required to seriously pursue the course/module for which they received support. If it is interrupted without duly justified reason, a procedure to stop the support is initiated, leading to the total or partial repayment of the assistance received.


  • Have contacted Danse Transition for an individual counselling session.
  • Have danced professionally for at least 6 years, with 2 of those years in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
  • Must not have stopped dancing or working professionally in the dance field for more than 2 years.
  • Be at least 26 years old.
  • Provide proof of unemployment benefit refusal for financing the said training.
  • Be a resident of the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
  • The planned short training must be in a field other than dance, aimed at professional development or career transition.
  • Have a coherent training plan.
  • Must apply at least 1 month before the start of the course/module.

It is specified that, aside from the listed criteria, Danse Transition reserves the right to consider any exceptional and justified cases. The fact that the above conditions are met does not imply the automatic granting of support, as Danse Transition retains discretion in its decision-making.


  1. Contact the association to arrange an individual counselling session
  2. Prepare a file that includes the following elements:
    • Completed support request questionnaire.
      Download the application form
    • Motivation letter
    • Documentation on the intended training/module and its cost
    • If possible, confirmation of enrolment in the training/module
    • Copy of the most recent tax decision from the Cantonal Tax Office
    • References, diplomas
  3. Submit the file to the association’s office at least one month before the start of the training.